---Doctor science---
Anti-Cancer Technology: Tiny Probe, Straight Through the Lesion (Part 1) --Comprehensive analysis of the new anti-cancer technology of Nano-Knife


Nanoknife is a Scalpel? What is the difference between Nanoknife and traditional therapies? This video tells you!...


Prevent stomach cancer, stay healthy in advance


As an important organ of digestion and nutrition uptake of human body, the stomach is of significant importance for life security and quality of human beings. How to prevent stomach cancer and care about gastric health? Prof. Peng Xiaochi from St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou has made a detailed introduction for you....


How to prevent lung cancer? Tips from Director of Oncology Department


Lung cancer is currently the type of cancer which of the second highest incidence rate and morality rate in the world. Therefore, what are the methods to help us prevent lung cancer? Don’t worry, Prof. Peng Xiaochi, the Director of Oncology Department will offer you some tips....


New methods of treating lung cancer


Our lung is the tree of life in our body, compare with the traditional treatment, what kind of new methods do we have for treating lung cancer? We’ll take a closer look at it by the guidance of Prof. Peng Xiaochi, Director of the Oncology Department of St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital....


Anti-Cancer Technology: Tiny Probe, Straight Through the Lesion (Part 2) --Comprehensive analysis of the new anti-cancer technology of nano-knife


What are the indications and contraindications for Nanoknife, and is it effective? Are there any successful cases? Let's hear what Director Peng of the Department of Oncology has to say....


Combined Knife: a new treatment option for patients with breast cancer lung metastases


Lung metastasis occurs in 10-20% of breast cancer patients. In addition to common treatment chemotherapy and endocrine and other therapeutic aspects, Dai Wenyan, Director of Breast Prevention and Control Center, takes you to explore the 【new choice of treatment for patients with lung metastasis of breast cancer - Combined Knife】....


Exploring innovative treatments for early-stage breast cancer


The incidence of breast cancer ranks first in the world, The morbidity crowd is getting younger and younger, and the mortality rate ranks fifth among cancers in the world. Dai Wenyan, director of the Breast Prevention and Treatment Center, authoritatively shared 「Innovative Treatments for Early-stage Breast Cancer」....


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