Title:【2024 July 28th Cancer Treatment And Prevention Minimally Invasive Technologies Sharing Session】 Invite you to join us!    Time:From July 28th, 2024    online free consultation appointment!
Title:【2024 July 28th Cancer Treatment And Prevention Minimally Invasive Technologies Sharing Session】 Invite you to join us!      Time:From July 28th, 2024      online free consultation appointment!
---Multimedia Center---
Experience the Dragon-boat Festival in China Taste Your Hand-made Zongzi in Love


On June 7, 2024, near the Dragon Boat Festival, our hospital invited international patients and their families in the hospital to gather together to celebrate the festival! Along with the performance of each program, the atmosphere of the scene gradually reached a climax, ...


After triple-negative breast cancer recurred, integrating minimally invasive techniques helped me


Elisabeth, from the Netherlands, was declared untreatable by the local hospital due to the recurrence and metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer. After the integrated minimally invasive treatment by St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, the tumor was effectively controlled, her health condition is now improving and daily life is back to normal....


Minimally invasive treatment to eliminate the egg size tumor of nasopharyngeal carcinoma


Lukman holy, from Indonesia, was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma stage IV due to runny nose and blood threads in 2022. The tumor size was about 6.1cmx4.0cm. After minimally invasive interventional therapy in our hospital, the tumor has almost disappeared. He praised the exquisite minimally invasive technology of our hospital to the people around him!...


Tumor Goes from "Apple-sized" to "Disappeared": A Woman Experience of Fighting Lymphoma


In 2022, I was diagnosed with Stage IIA lymphoma. The tumor size was about 10 x 15 cm. After undergoing minimally invasive interventional treatment at St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, I successfully battled cancer and survived for more than a year....


6 minutes to help you know the differences between Chinese and Western medicine in fighting cancer


How does ancient Chinese medicine fight cancer in the face of modern medicine? What are the advantages of Chinese medicine in fighting cancer? Let's see what Professor Yin Pingshan, chief Chinese medicine expert at St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, has to say....


Successful Fight Against Cancer in A Patient with Lung Cancer Combined with Cardiovascular Disease


Ramli Rukiana from Batam, Indonesia, with a history of high-risk heart disease, was diagnosed with a stage IV lung malignant tumor in December 2023, with a left lung tumor measuring about 1.7cmx1.6cmx0.6cm. After interventional therapy at Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Sundarbans, the tumor has almost disappeared, and his heart disease foci have improved and he has a good quality of life nowaday...


Cancer and Nutrition—Dietary Guidance for Cancer Patients


Nutrition plays an important role in the comprehensive process of cancer treatment! The scientific dietary arrangement is the basis for cancer patients to cope with the challenges of cancer treatment. Gao Kun, a clinical nutritionist in our hospital, provides you with general dietary guidance for cancer patients. Click on the video and fight for health together!...


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